Thursday, 24 October 2013

Lecture-Jerry Rothwell

Lecture notes:

-took filmmaking more seriously from the age of 40, made short films that made an impact, three minute wonder films for Channel Four
-he said someone once said 'director is the filmmakers immune system,'
-Nicholas Philibert 'the subject is totally secondary'
-'design is the conscious effort to impose meaningful order,' 'design is creating the conditions for something as much as creating the thing itself,' he found these quotes in a design book he was reading, but applied to filmmaking. Although, these quotes are useful for my digital media creative project
-'Stories only happen to people who can tell them,'
-he leaves his documentaries open ended for the viewer so the viewer can make decisions throughout, he said they are polemical
- he likes 'the relationship with the subject and the camera which is you and that translates to a relationship with the audience, he said trust is really important
-made a film about sperm donars meeting their children, named 'Heavy Load'
-he said you should show the audience acknowledging how to make the film, the minimal way to do that is including his voice

Despite my creative project being about digital media, Rothwell included some interesting design quotes that will be useful for my project. Additionally, I do a documentary module alongside my creative project, so he provided useful knowledge that can contribute towards that course.

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