Saturday, 5 October 2013

Theoretical Reading- Barrett, E. (2010) ‘Foucault’s ‘what is an author’ towards a critical discourse of practice as research,’

I read a chapter in Estelle Barrett's chapted named 'Foucalt's "what is an author" towards a critical discourse of practice as research,' to help me think about the larger project of my work and what my project can go on to do. I noted down a few quotes to help me write my Proposal and think about my project in a broader context.

'A way of overcoming this dilemma is for creative arts researchers to shift the critical focus away from the evalutation of the work as a product, to an understanding of both studio enquiry and its outcomes as a process' (Barett 2010, p.135).

'Engaging critically with aspects of Foucault's account of author function provides the practitioner researcher with a framework through which the artist researcher can reflect, in a more distanced way, on how pratice operates as knowledge production, and how the outcomes of studio enquiry emerge in relation to established knowledge and broader institutional discourses' (Barett 2010, p.138).

'Foucault characteristics founders of discursivity the following way: they are not just authors of their own works but produce the possibilities and rules for the formation of other texts' (Barrett 2010, p.141).


Barrett, E. (2010) ‘Foucault’s ‘what is an author’ towards a critical discourse of practice as research,’ in Barrett, E. Bolt, B. Practice as Research: Approaches to Creative Arts Enquiry. UK: I B Tauris & Co Ltd, pp.135-141.

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