Wednesday 9 October 2013

Lecture- Lisa Bonnard

Lecture Notes:

-her work is narrative lead but engages with fine art discourses and the relationship between psychological aesthetics
-discusses the theory of aesthetics and psychoanalysis, how the viewer feels in relation to the piece of art
- she suggests to aim high and contact as many people as possible
- she saw Michael Moore's film about post 9/11 and war in Iraq, he stated that he'd held the mothers responsible for not bringing up their children better. Thus, she contacted the 'Blue Star Moms' and flew to California to discuss, interview and photograph the mothers. She discusses object fetishism and how the objects represent the labour force, she shows the care packages which are sent to places of war, reflects on symbolism
-advises listening to radio four for creative inspiration
-also states that you should have an idea of how you're going to present your work and you should prepare and mention this in your proposal
-her last point was very useful and is something I will now think about before writing my proposal and it was interesting to see where she had got her inspiration from

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